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norapistshere | 1579 days ago - 25/10/2020
you are so beautiful geisha-gal woman of the-asian-persuasion, & i wish that i myself can, or could possibly get together with you regardless of whether, or not i would just merely want to try to wake up something from the dead with you yourself otherwise, & that is being of some, or of such of my private-parts of my crotch-area after that being of a faggotty, or possibly worser yet closet-faggot proverbial neighbor from damn hell of a public-nuisance of a problem-neighbor had killed that being of my 'mojo' with all of the different extreme, & excessive homoish, or faggotty noises being of which he himself would make upon a daily, &/or nightly basis whenever my person as a born, & raised male of a black mixed-breed puerto-rican, indian, & asian representing the opposite sex with that being of the average 7 inches of sex-starved, &/or, but then yet p-_-ssy-hungry, or p-_-_-ntang-craving penis could possibly get to watching that being of any porn being of which could possibly exploit that being of the sexuality of the many different races of born, & raised female persons of women being of likewise whatsoever, or whatever walks of life, factions of society, or lifestyle preferences, & as well whenever i myself can, or could possibly get to choking that being of my chicken thinking of, or fantasizing about the same of the said in question, &/or those being of whom are among themselves being of whom all the same are of the former, previous, or prior mentioned, & not that i myself am some kind of a closet-male-rapist-character of the likes of any of sexual-predator animal-monster poor excuses of men although, or regardless of how at one time, or another that being of my person had come so close to attempting to sexually-assault, or rape at least a couple, or a few women of different races, & possibly being of likewise of different walks of life something like for a time-frame-period of at least a tenth of a century ago as in a decade ago, but then had changed that being of my mind at the last moment, or minute, & just think what my female, or woman shrink, &/or woman p.o. as in probation-officer would have thought about me if i myself were to possibly have that being of something of a sexual-assault, or rape charge upon that being of my criminal record, i mean i don't think that they being of the both of the two of them would feel comfortable in my presence if i myself were to have possibly become, or be a convicted male rapist, & especially if they themselves be quite often, or more than likely, or much more often than not be wearing all of those different cock-teasing outfits of their's, & from pants with the p-_-ssy-prints showing making their p-_-_-ntangs, or beavers look ever so tight in some, or such, or those rather short dresses, &/or skirts that they be wearing whereas the dresses likewise be going half-way across that being of the upper thighs of their legs just as much as the skirts they be wearing being of the same length
Anonymous | 1850 days ago - 28/01/2020
What's her name