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rapingnobody | 2236 days ago - 11/02/2019
excuse my language, &/or pardon my French, & as I play that being of the part of the-devil's-advocate, &/or likewise as the lesser of two evils being of a prodigal-son somewhat if not altogether, & whereas that being of the worser of two evils is that being of a religious-church-hypocrite being of the likes of as well of those being of whom are among themselves being of the worser, or worcest of unbelievers, or nonbelievers being of some, or of such deceivers who pretend to have become, or pretend to be believers in God, & therefore all the same whereas they themselves would be considered to have become, or be of the worser, or worcest of some, or of such closet-devil-worshippers being of whom make up the majority of church-goes being of whatsoever religious denominations, but then nevertheless I myself would just like to say that if you yourself haven't, or didn't accept Christ as that being of your own personal Savior then I would hope that you yourself would think of it being of a mind's intentions to try to get that being of the Salvation, &/or Deliverance being of which is only that being of the same of a nature that only he himself can, or could possibly provide for one, & many for that being of some, or such a given moment in time however said only if you yourself were to possibly professed that being of some, or of such religious beliefs of faith being of a spiritual nature by recognizing, &/or realizing what he himself had done as he did upon that being of the cross of calvary as he himself had suffered at that being of the hands of some, or of such roman soldiers being of whom were up under some, or of such orders of their religious superiors being of pharisees, &/or sadducees, but then nevertheless whereas he himself had quite willingly went to that being of the cross of calvary to suffer, to fulfill biblical prophesy to insure that some, or such of any, every, &/or all persons, or people would not have to worry about whether, or not you were to be possibly permitted into that being of The Kingdom of Heaven being that because you would have that being of the insurance, that you yourself would be permitted to possibly escape that being of the lake of fire of damn hell, & where those being of the unsaved, &/or undelivered nonbelievers wind up in, & being that because that being of your final destination once making that being of a transition for that being of the great beyond for the afterlife, or the hereafter would become, or be of those being of whom would be considered among themselves as being of some, or of such saints of the fellowship for that futuristic date in time come that being of judgement day, ...