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rapingnobody | 2224 days ago - 04/02/2019
but then you know like say, or how you say there are certain catholic-nun sisters being of whom practically if not possibly sexually-assault, or rape boys almost as much as gay pedophile, child-rapist catholic-priests molest boys being of the many different races of under-age-male-minors of adolescents, or teenagers, &/or worser yet preteens representing the same sex from, or of likewise whatsoever walk/s of life, faction/s of society, or lifestyle preference/s, & I wouldn't be surprise that certain gay pedophile, or child rapist catholic priests be moonlighting as boyscout-leaders, & then when a boy wake up in the middle of the night then one being of an under-age-minor of a boy would find somebody like father john smith of maryville academy upon his ass for a summer camp retreat, & that would really suck, & you know like say, or how you say big time, ...
rapingnobody | 2224 days ago - 04/02/2019
excuse my language, &/or pardon my French, & as I play that being of the part of the-devil's-advocate, &/or likewise as the lesser of two evils being of a prodigal-son, & whereas the worser is a religious-church-hypocrite being of the worser of unbelibers, or rather correction, unbelievers, or nonbelievers, & likewise the worser of closet-devil-worshippers being of whom make up the majority of church-goers of whatsoever religious denominations, but then I would like to say that if ever I myself were to possibly become, or be a rapist pr-_-ck s.o.b. b-_-stard in the future if I myself am not one already being of one of those loser-freaking-idiot-jerks then I just want the likes of you lovely ladies of bootylicious looking women that from there I myself would like to attempt to rape the both of you two, so remember to stick to your curfew if y'all, or you's have one otherwise … hah-hah, heh-heh, … , but then all rapists are kind of faggotty if not closet-faggots altogether, but then some rapists are cock-sucking, &/or balls-licking homos, or homosexuals, &/or transgenders for that matter, & like say for example gay pedophile catholic-priests molesting boys, ...