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norapistshere | 2178 days ago - 14/03/2019
male rapist, & male pedophile characters are making it much more difficult for some, or such other guys, fellas, or dudes who are not into that kind of screwing action to get some, or such p-_-ssy, or p-_-_-ntang being that because of their attacks, or assaults upon that being of the persons of their prey being of mainly, or mostly women, & children that those, or these damn prick s.o.b. bastards of creeps, & crazys violate
norapistshere | 2178 days ago - 14/03/2019
the many different news-stations have reported during that being of their broadcasts that another dick-head-prick male character of a rapist s.o.b. creep, & crazy bastard of the likes of freaking-idiot-jerk-losers of dinosaur-turd-cavemen has sexually-assaulted just another female person within that being of our own metropolis for a major metropolitan city within that being of the city limits of the midwest of the u.s.a., & for that being of a vicinity area neighborhood community being of which is quite similar to that being of the hyde park neighborhood community where that being of a hate-crime-incident of this nature has happened there before time, & time again, & here it is happening once again within that being of the rogers parks neighborhood community within that being of the city limits of the city of metropolitan Chicago, Illinois, u.s.a. as the many different news-correspondents, or news-reporters had claimed for that being of sometime yesterday for that being of the same of the said date in question being for that of march 13, 2019 during that being of a time-frame-period of the early evening hours, but then damn, even male rapist, &/or worser yet male pedophile characters of dinosaur-turd-cavemen of real life fred flintstones, &/or barney rubbles of the not so friendly type compared on to the cartoon characters are getting much more pussy than me whereas it practically if not possibly make/s me want to contemplate becoming of the likes of those, or these male sexual-predator animal-monster characters being of the dick-head-pricks among they themselves, hah-hah, heh-heh, no, I was just joking, & no offense is meant to be possibly directed against that being of the persons of those being of whom are, or is among themselves however said being of any past, present, or future sexual-assault, or rape victims when I myself had mentioned that last comment, or remark, I hear that the prick had knocked his prey out as in made her unconscious with some kind of fluid, or liquid upon a rag, & she herself woke up in some kind of an abandoned building with her pussy having been raped by her attacker who was long gone after that being of the attack, or the assault upon her waking up to witness that she herself had been violated down there by a prick