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rapingnobody | 2230 days ago - 17/02/2019
excuse my language, &/or pardon my French, & as I play that being of the part of the-devil's-advocate, &/or as that being of the lesser of two evils being of a prodigal-son, & whereas that being of the worser of two evils is that being of one of those being of the likes among themselves of religious-church-hypocrites being of whom are likewise of the worser, or worcest of unbelievers being of some, or of such deceivers who pretend to have become, or pretend to be believers in God, & therefore they themselves are, or is as well of those being of whom are among themselves of the worser, or worcest of some, or of such closet-devil-worshippers being of whom make/s up the majority, or of most of some, or of such church-goers of whatsoever religious denominations, but then anyway, &/or getting back to some, or such other, but then look at here, & please do excuse my language, &/or pardon my French so I myself say again to you nikki, & as I myself play that being of the part of the-devil's-advocate, &/or likewise as the lesser of two evils so that being of the, or a person of I myself as a male being of a rather sex-starved, &/or p-_-ssy-hungry black mixed-breed of a puerto-rican, & indian, but then give me some, or such p-_-ssy, or p-_-_-ntang you b-_-tch, h-_-e, hepher, wench, c-_-nt, slut, & bring your girlfriends so that I myself can, or could possibly likewise introduce to them that being of my male member of human anatomy being of the masculine gender representing the opposite sex down here so that I myself can, or could possibly bring that being of my, or mine own private-parts of my crotch-area together with that being of you white-girls' as in caucasian women's private-parts otherwise, & especially doggy-style, &/or spread-eagle-style, so let me myself know when y'all, or you's females, or women of caucasians want to try that being of my black mixed-breed pr-_-ck out for size at some, or such waist level between your legs, &/or upper thighs, & seeing how I myself am not some kind, sort, or type of a queer, homo, or faggot, & unless I myself am seriously thinking about, or contemplating that being of the possible, &/or potential chance, or possibility of, no, not committing suicide, but then rather instead so far as concerning, or regarding, or making reference to trying to think to put forth that being of some, or of such efforts to try to get right with God once again as a believer, & not that real, or true believers in God being of some, or of such males can, or could possibly become, or be of the likes of some, or of such cock-sucking, &/or balls-licking faggots, then I want to bang, or bone you, & your girlfriends of fellow white-girls, or caucasian women with that being of my sex-starved, &/or p-_-ssy-hungry black mixed-breed puerto-rican, & indian pr-_-ck being as it is of the average 7 inches, & especially doggy-style, &/or spread-eagle-style, & with quite naturally some, or such rubbers in play as I myself never go in the raw, …
rapingnobody | 2230 days ago - 17/02/2019
move out the way guys, fellas, dudes, & being that because I myself am coming, I said i'm cumming through, oh yeah, … hey nikki are, or is you yourself like say, or how you say like ready for me? I mean you yourself know how I myself as a sex starved, &/or pussy hungry prick of a black mixed-breed of a puerto rican, & indian male representing the opposite sex with that being of the average 7 inches can, or could possibly really satisfy you, & more than practically, &/or possibly any other guys, fellas, or dudes of pussy-hungry ones although, or regardless of how I myself am sex starved, well so I myself say as a prodigal-son playing that being of the part of the devil's advocate, so come on with it, I promise that I myself will not attempt to sexually assault, or rape you be I with some, or such other guys, fellas, or dudes, or not, well whatever, or however said, I mean you know me, I myself being of that of my person as a male individual am just not into that sort of thang, I mean like don't get me wrong, but then I myself have never been any kind, sort, or type of a male sexual predator animal monster character of a rapist, or worser yet pedophile prick, well wait a minute, or a moment, I mean my bad, correction, well I myself had almost, or practically if not possibly had come so close to attempting to sexually-assault, or rape at least a couple, or a few born, & raised female persons representing the opposite sex, but then nevertheless of some, or of such grown, adult women of different races, & from different walks of life, factions of society, or lifestyle preferences, & whereas one of them was a white girl as in caucasian woman, & regardless of whether, or not one of those women could have possibly been a lesbian, & that had happened something like at least a couple, or a few years ago, or make that something like for a time frame period of at least a decade ago, but then whereas I myself had chickened out as a prodigal-son playing that being of the part of the-devil's-advocate to attempt to get for myself some, or such pussy, poontang, or firball that being of the hard way, & at the last minute, or moment, & fortunately for me that that being of the, or a male person of I myself hadn't, or didn't, well partly being that because I myself had heard what appeared to be, or seemed like that being of the sounds of some, or of such sirens, & besides all that if I myself were to have vamped upon that being of the pussy, poontang, or firballs, that way then I don't think that those being of the female persons of women being of my female, or woman probation-officer, & my female, or woman shrink would have felt comfortable with me, neither, or nor do I myself think that they themselves would have liked that if they themselves were to possibly find out within that being of my rap-sheet of a criminal record that that being of the, or a male person of I myself had been caught for a sexual-assault, or then convicted.
rapingnobody | 2233 days ago - 14/02/2019
wow. no crap? really now? I don't remember doing that to her. are, or is you sure that is me tearing her fir-ball up like practically if not possibly like some kind, sort, or type of a male sexual-predator animal-monster character, & you know like say, or how you say doggy-style? nah, that can't be me, & seeing how I myself am not a rapist, excuse my language, &/or pardon my French, pr-_-ck s.o.b. b-_-stard, & this is like say regardless of, or although I myself being of that of my person had come so close to attempting to snatch the pantys from as in attempted to sexually-assault, or rape a couple, or a few female persons of women something like more than quite a few years ago, & as they themselves were of different races, but then nevertheless whereas I myself had chickened out before I were to possibly vamp upon the p-_-ssy, or p-_-_-ntang, & then try to wake up something from the dead, & then would have to nine times out of ten, &/or more often than not have to possibly do some, or such time for that, but then my female, or woman probation-officer, & female, or woman shrink would not like that if I myself were to have possibly vamp upon any females of women much more than just possibly scope them, well hopefully not stalk, & then vamp upon them as well, or likewise, ...