Shy Schoolgirl groped and used in a library
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rapingnobody | 2206 days ago - 18/02/2019
excuse my language, &/or pardon my French, & as I being of the, or a person of myself play that being of the part of the-devil's-advocate, &/or as the lesser of two evils being of some kind, sort, or type of a prodigal-son however said, & whereas the worser of two evils is that being of a religious-church-hypocrite being of the likes of whom are of the worser, or worcest of unbelievers, or nonbelievers being of deceivers who pretend to have become, or pretend to be believers in God, & therefore they themselves would be considered as being likewise of the worser, or worcest of closet-devil-worshippers being of whom represent the majority of church-goers being of whatsoever religious denominations, but then nevertheless I myself would just like to say as of the present given moment in time as I direct comment/s, or remark/s at the likes of some, or of such cock-sucking, &/or balls-licking homos, or faggots, &/or transgenders being of whom are continuing to scope, &/or stalk if not vamp, or prey upon me myself likewise as of the present given moment in time much rather than instead of thinking of it being of a mind's intentions to try to put forth that being of the effort/s to pray with me, & as the likes of those, or of these male weirdo characters being of the same of the said in question, &/or being of those, or these among themselves as well being of the previous, or prior mentioned are, or is always, daily, &/or nightly attempting to crowd that being of my private little space area/s upon that being of premises of properties for either a mass transit of a public transportation system with all of it's bus, &/or train routes at one time, or another for any given day, or night, or evening, or for that being of some, or of such premises of properties for that being of a place of business be it being of some, or of such for a given atmosphere is public, or private, or for both a mass transit of a public transportation system, & a place of business atmosphere when they themselves being of the cock-sucking, &/or balls-licking queers, fairys, gay guys, homosexuals, or faggots, &/or transgenders can, or could possibly have more, much more than enough standing room area/s, or seating plan arrangements available to the likes of them, or they themselves as some, or such male weirdo characters, & therefore continue to make me myself being of my person feel like a choir-boy being of whom has been raped, or molested by a gay pedophile catholic-priest once again, & as the majority being of more than half of catholic-priests being of some, or of such closet-pedophiles with their gay selves as homos, or faggots be raping, or molesting the many different races of under-age-male-minors being of some, or of such adolescents, or teenagers, &/or preteens being of whom are likewise of whatsoever walks of life, factions of society, or lifestyle preferences, THEN I SAY TO YOU HOMOSEXUALS, & TRANSGENDERS TO JUST GET A LOADED GUN, & THEN BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT WITH IT, …
sintilllate | 3107 days ago - 31/08/2016
excellent vid