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rapingnobody | 2240 days ago - 11/02/2019
songs in the night, songs in the night, he gives us sweet, mellow songs in the night, in the deep, darkest night, sorrows may come, sea billows roll, oh he gives us songs in the night, … hello, ladies, & gentlemen, this is the moody bible institute, or the moody broadcast right here within the heart of the midwest, & it's no coincidence how you have tuned into it, & whereas I hope that anything being of which can, or could possibly be said as of the present given moment in time will perhaps, or maybe however said convince one, & many of a listener to from there possibly think of it being of which is a serious mind's intentions to consider, &/or give some, or such second thought as to where you could possibly be spending an eternity as tomorrow is not promised to anybody regardless of race, walk of life, faction of society, or lifestyle preference, &/or etcetera for no one knows when one can, or could possibly be called out of this worldly system of things as we know it to be, or have become for that being of the present given moment in time, & far as you know whereas you could possibly become, or be a passenger of a mass transit of some kind of a public transportation system, & then whoosh in the blink of an eye you could possibly be here for this temporary existence, & then from there shortly after be spirited away to possibly become, or be party to that being of a different one being of the hereafter, or the afterlife being of which is suppose to be eternal, or permanent in nature. oh won't you please become, or be a believer in God here, & now, or while you yourself still have that being of the chance to decide where you will be spending eternity? & hopefully it would become, or be of an existence whereas upon accepting Christ as you own personal Lord, & Savior you would be entitled to any, every, &/or all blessings coming from the pearly gates otherwise being of which is much better than that being of some, or of such as it is at waist level between a female's, or woman's legs whereas you yourself would become, or be automatically one with the fellowship of saints being of like-minded believers in God upon your way to Heaven, but first you would have to get that being of his Salvation while you are upon that being of the planet earth, & then that being of the secondary blessing being of Deliverance is suppose to follow right behind that being of the primary blessing, only recognize, &/or realize what God's son had done, or did upon that being of the cross of calvary by permitting himself to be crucified at the hands of roman soldiers who were up under orders of their religious superiors being of the likes of pharisees, &/or sadducees so that you yourself would not have to worry about that being of the lake of fire of damn hell to be given that being of an area within to be punished with the rest of unbelievers, or nonbelievers for having rejected so great a Salvation, ...