Welcome to Meet My Sweet! You know this anxiety when you decide to introduce your girlfriend to your mom and dad? You want everything to go perfect and your palms may be even sweating. Imagine the meeting turns into a disaster, a sexy, sweaty, dirty disaster! At Meet My Sweet, girls meet their guys’ families – and get threesome! That’s right, these old geezers and horny old bags still have it in them. The girl can’t say no, she gotta show respect! Check out our crazy HD videos with girlfriend and family get-togethers going out of hand!

HD Exclusive Video

Video duration: 32:39 min | Dimension: 1920x1080 | Hi-Res photos: 453 | Rating:
(34 votes)

Fucked for talking too much

When you live with your girlfriend and parents, life is full of surprises. Watch the guy's old man and mother realize his girlfriend makes too many international calls. Them paying all the bills, they went apeshit! What can you do but use the stupid bitch for your pleasure? They ask the guy to leave and have their way with her. What a crazy scene, an old couple taking full sexual control over a younger sexy chick! She won't be making this many calls in the future. Or will she?

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HD Exclusive Video

Video duration: 34:15 min | Dimension: 1920x1080 | Hi-Res photos: 540 | Rating:
(59 votes)

Crazy parents caught red-handed

The couple had plans for the day: the girlfriend would come earlier and wait for his parents to come while he was supposed to join later on. She was having a shower when his parents came unexpectedly. The father, this dirty old man, watched her through the keyhole while the mother took care of her clothes and hid them away. The girl comes out, total shock, and then bang, next thing she knows she's having hardcore lesbian sex with her bf's mom! But not for long: soon his dad joined as well. When the guy finally came, he went nuts!

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HD Exclusive Video

Video duration: 33:57 min | Dimension: 1920x1080 | Hi-Res photos: 278 | Rating:
(59 votes)

A great gift and some fun

The guy's girlfriend had her birthday that day. He was hoping his parents would come and behave themselves, but alas. Their gift was a huge dildo, and his mother immediately proceeded to showing the girl what's the best way to use it. Some family, huh! Dad feels obliged to join the party and things get even more intense. Too intense for the guy, though. The only thing he can do is to go to antoher room. Good for him, there was too much lust, sex and sin to see!

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Family welcome parties develop into orgies! Girlfriends nailed by his dad, and mom! You knew it could be stressful, but nothing like that! Experience waves of emotions and get unique sexual kicks out of other HD-only video stories. Now!

HD Exclusive Video

Video duration: 33:23 min | Dimension: 1920x1080 | Hi-Res photos: 536 | Rating:
(39 votes)

How you can get help from family

The dude was desperate for help. Fixing this sink was too big a thing for him to handle. Well, what does he do. He calls his father and he and the mother show up. Apparently they need more tools than they got. The guy leaves for the store, and can you imagine what happens next? His parents seduce his girlfriend and all three have raw hardcore sex right there and then! Oh boy. When the guy gets back, well, he's pretty shocked, and a scene follows. This memory will stick with him forever from now on, that's for sure.

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HD Exclusive Video

Video duration: 37:08 min | Dimension: 1920x1080 | Hi-Res photos: 640 | Rating:
(29 votes)

Sinful evidence of what they did together

When older people get tech stuff, they just go crazy over it. Just like this guy here, look. He is checking out the joys of using his brand new camera, taking pictures of his wife. The girlfriend of their son comes, and he invites her to join the scene for a few shots. The mother, well, this bitch! She starts undressing the girlfriend and things get pretty intense and hot as the old geezer keeps shooting. Then, of course, it's hardcore fucking all the way! Luckily for them, the boyfriend never came. He saw the pictures they made later, though. Poor dude!

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First impression is important, so she just starts following their nasty lead! Are you in love with your girlfriend? Well, how about her getting nailed by your own mom and dad? Gross? Or super-sexy? Find out now!

HD Exclusive Video

Video duration: 37:08 min | Dimension: 1920x1080 | Hi-Res photos: 319 | Rating:
(35 votes)

Sex addiction running in the family

The guy's girlfriend got along really well with his family. Well, perhaps maybe even too well. That night, she came around and saw the old man alone, watching the telly. The filthy geezer attempted to seduce her, and well, succeeded! Then mother came around and was abashed and enraged at the same time! Luckily the smart girl talked her into joining the game. Watch the three get it on like crazy all the way up to the moment the boyfriend came in. They couldn't explain what was going on, and well, how can you explain an orgy?

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HD Exclusive Video

Video duration: 23:39 min | Dimension: 1920x1080 | Hi-Res photos: 390 | Rating:
(59 votes)

Son steps out, parents fuck his girl

Well, this is not the way you would like such a situation to go for yourself. Our guy here wanted his parents to meet his long-time girlfriend. They came, and everybody was happy, though the parents thought it's a good idea to have some fun. They send the son to the store, and while he's away, well, they start making advances towards the chick! Did not take them long. Watch this scene for hardcore lesbian and threesome sex, and savor the scandalous scene the son made when he came away.

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Forget about how boring porn used to be. Meet My Sweet is the real deal! Forget all these mindless sites and get ready for the real thing. Meet My Sweet is full of emotion, drama, and intense sexual fantasies. Try it now!

HD Exclusive Video

Video duration: 33:19 min | Dimension: 1920x1080 | Hi-Res photos: 513 | Rating:
(82 votes)

Where comparison can take you

It all started like a nice visit to the boyfriend's parents. But the nice part did not last very long. He left, and his parents showed his girlfriend their family photo album. Mother claimed she was pretty hot back in the day, but father said their son's girl is way hotter. That bastard! They asked her to reveal her goodies so that they can really compare. Well, one thing led to another and there they were, fucking like rabbits, all three of them. Imagine the shock of the boyfriend when he came back!

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HD Exclusive Video

Video duration: 28:55 min | Dimension: 1920x1080 | Hi-Res photos: 216 | Rating:
(61 votes)

A shower at the p's and more

The boyfriend's family was always so nice to her. Well, why not take a shower at their place? She learned why not a bit later! Watch the dirty-minded old lady follow the girl into the bathroom, joined by the old man a bit later. Guess what happened! The bathroom was soon filled with soap, sweat and sex. Pretty nasty, we should say! The boyfriend, that unlucky fellow, saw everything and was so shocked he made a nasty scene right there and then! A crazy old couple, are they not!

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